Oh Boy A Sale!
I hate to be that guy but I’m having a Bandcamp sale from now until it hurts.
But wait, there's more! I’m basing discounts on the amount of stock I have on any particular item. I’m hoping to cleanup up the old stockroom / basement and thus cleanse my soul to the point that I might turn into a beam of light and live among you all forever and eva.
I’ve truly appreciated all the support over the years so hopefully these discounts will help the old wallet if you’ve had your eye on anything over the years!
If you don’t see something you’d like to have a discount on, email me and I’ll give you an offer you can’t refuse.
I’ve tried to organize all links and codes below so pour yourself a glass of milk and feast your eyes on these turkeys:
30% Off Cassette Boxset:
Code: holidayboxset2021
20% Off ‘Who Needs What’ Jim Guthrie Biography by Andrew Hood
Code: holidaybook2021
30% Off A Thousand Songs on Double LP
Code: holiday1000lp2021
25% Takes Time on Vinyl
Code: holiday_tt_2021
30% Off Takes Time on CD:
Code: holiday_ttcd_2021
25% Off Below Vol 1 CD:
Code: holidaybelowcd_2021
25% Off Below Vol 2 & 3 on CD
Code: holiday_2cd_2021
25% Off Below Double LP:
Code: holiday_belowlp_2021
60% Off (WOW) IGTM: Double LP
Code: holiday_igtm_lp_2021
30% Off Now More Than Ever (Remastered) on CD:
Code: holiday_nmte_cd_2021
Thanks for reading. All love xojim
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